Sunday 21 February 2010

連載 『雑貨カタログ』 2010年早春号 No.105


"ZAKKA Catalog"
SHUFUNOTOMO Co.,Ltd (16/02/2010) price : JPY 1,200
発行:主婦の友社  発売日:2010/02/16  定価 : 1,200円

The Serial article (3rd issue) called 『シュールな日常』means "Surreal daily Scenery" has been out on a Japanese Magazine "ZAKKA Catalog". the third theme is "washing". Basically, washing is very basic dairy thing, we try to manage it efficiently in dairy time. Though, that time, I regarded washing as an important event, felt it carefully and took photographs each process of washing. I think that is the point of surreal ;)This magazine will issue 4times a year. (first article / second article is here).


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